Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kiwi craze

I've started stocking up on kiwis each time I make a trip to Publix - the organic ones are the same price as conventional (2 for $1) which rocks. They're a quick treat for Levi & the more I read up on these shabby little fruits, the more I'm convinced we each should be eating one a day. The one downer is that they're shipped halfway around the world before landing on our grocery shelves - they are a native of China, but now are predominately grown in New Zealand.

One kiwi will give you more vitamin C than an orange and more fiber than an apple; they're rich in potassium & good for the immune system.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I think I'll try that for Grady. I think we are both getting pretty bored with his menu these days.