Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why?, oh my...

About 10 days ago the word "why" made an appearance in Levi's vocabulary. I heard it twice that day. Today I heard it, oh... 40 times. Why Mama why? Why? Why? Why? I love that he's thinking about all those little details now - wanting to know how it all works.
Sometimes it's hard to give an answer that satisfactory though. After an extensive & repetitive exchange today, whereas I was trying to give an explanation of the bank's policy not to give suckers out anymore I heard myself say "just because"...


Unknown said...

Been there done that....also swore I'd NEVER say "just because". But after the 200th why in one day just because seems like a perfectly acceptable answer

Nicole said...

hahahahah, weren't we JUST talking about this. I even sometimes have to pull out the old stand by "because I said so"