Thursday, November 17, 2011

sunshine morning

a bit of time each day is spent with toes in the grass - inspecting (and eating) leaves, grass, and pine needles
she had her first 'real' bite of food yesterday : a chunk of kale swiped & gulped down before I could extracted it while sitting on her blanket in the garden 

Levi's newly constructed 'science board' - all manner of animals are included - I love these ideas he comes up with - my *favorites* are of course the very detailed house fly & yellow jacket

a new bunting for the livingroom - Levi picked out & cut the fabric himself - I did the sewing

my 'Thanksgiving cactus' blooming right on time

we did a 'grow out' of the few Carolina Redstick bean seeds we had = grown strictly to let the beans mature to create a new seed crop
we are harvesting the first of these mature beans

another 'grow out' for Wildwood Pumpkin seeds produced this lovely

one of the very first blooms beginning to open on the first of 20+ Camellia bushes around the property

1 comment:

Nona Bee said...

my bees would be going crazy for the Camellia bushes in your yard!!!