Monday, May 16, 2011

Full Moon magic

The moon is 100% full right now - though its so cloudy here I can't see it rising. I thought maybe I'd have a little full moon magic with labor but so far all is quiet here. Another good prenatal today. Georganna guesses the baby to be 7 pounds. And though I'm packing in the protein, I've gained no weight in the last couple weeks.
Feeling calm & thoughtful. Keeping the house tidy. Clean, put away laundry. Long after dinner walks. Love & harmony with my husband. An excited child. Sunflowers blooming. Tomatoes setting fruit. Both hens laying now. Zen.

1 comment:

angelina said...

our moon is full too. strange...are our moons usually to be seen both full on two sides of the world? Reading of Zilpah, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah = thinking of you x.