Thursday, April 18, 2013

Soil Blocker & Market Day

This new little gadget has seen a lot of use in the last 4 months.  I've made 100s of soil blocks this winter/spring.  This is Levi's first try at filling a tray on his own.  He's been asking me to use it & it may turn into a case of be careful what you wish for (sort of like when driving the lawnmower sounded like fun...).

This is a little pet project of mine that I'm going to check in with time to time.  These are Poblano (when fresh) pepper seedlings (called Anchos when dried).  They're the pepper usually used to made chile rellenos.

Today was my first "Market Day" with the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance's online farmer's market.  I spent all morning washing & packaging the goods.  Above is thyme & oregano. 

Washed Swiss Chard ready to package.

My lettuce mix.

A 'garden salad pak' - mixed lettuces with a carrot/radish pack.

Packed & ready to travel.

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