Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pumpkin Cutting Day

Di Cicco Broccoli in our garden
the seed catalog says: "
very vigorous, emerald green, producing
nice central heads 3-5" wide

These are the last 3 pumpkins I had to cut & take seeds from before getting my Seed Savers Package together.
After today's seed harvest I've got around 700 seeds to share.

If you want seeds let me know in the comments.  I will mail them with the details of their history.

We're going to camp out at Chehaw tomorrow night for their Frontier Festival - getting the car packed today.

One big lovely out in the garden who is watched daily.
The "understory" in the garden is a mix of wheat straw paths & volunteers clover.

Gourd detail.  Swirling.

Potty Training with Babylegs sans diaper.

1 comment:

Nona Bee said...

I WISH I'D KNOWN YOU WERE IN ALBANY!!! We could have shared a meal! Did you see the Chehaw hives (honeybee) while at Chehaw?)
...and... I woudl like 3-4 of those pumpkin seeds, if you have any left.
Happy New Year! Kathy B.