Thursday, August 7, 2008

Craig's List junkie

I've been spending way too much time on craigslist lately - selling & buying - mostly furniture & it's very addictive - I parted with a couch this week & gained a bunk bed (full on the bottom, twin on the top - to add a few extra beds for you visitors headin' to Savannah!) -
Also, freecycling all sorts of random and bizzare items out of my attic - successfully I might add - for every item you're about to toss into the trash, there is someone out there looking for that very item!
Never freecycled?!??... check it out - there are local freecycles all across the country - it saves tons (literally) of 'stuff' from going into a landfill - everything from that half used box of dishwasher detergent to the concrete driveway you just broke up...


Nicole said...

I should freecycle that damn tv and entertainment center in my garage. I bet that sucker would go fast.

ebv said...

Hi there.

I just googled "craigslist junkie" in attempts to find a few good candidates to interview for an article i am writing about the craigslist economy/free-cycling/etc. You seem like a perfect fit and you love The Be Good Tanyas like me.

Drop me a line,