Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday 20th

The time of moving is over... A now to the setting up of a new household. I tell you: I am tired of all this. I have not sewn in weeks. My kitchen is still in complete disarray. And my vehicle needs a serious deep cleaning.
And the worst of it: my 2 year old has had 'enough Mama' = he is so bored with being indoors.
So am I! I'm ready to be outdoors & planting & creating & taking long walks (and then arrive home to perfect order!).
In a week I know I will feel better. But today I'm a little cross. The jumble of boxes & disorder is starting to take its toll on all of us. I'm ready to have my free time back.

1 comment:

angelina said...

today is INTERNATION DAY OF PEACE. so i wish for peace for you and your new household! i wish thankfulness that you have a house. (thankfulness as well as grumbliness is very contagious to children you know).

is there a deadline on unpacking boxes? no! leave them to their boring boxliness and go skip thru your newly surrounding puddles !!